Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Grandmothers can do funny things sometimes can't they.
Maybe they collect silly items or cook the best pies.
Maybe they send you quirky emails or cards or best of all leave you comments on your Facebook (I know! isn't it funny to see our grandma's using FB?!).
But the best Grandma's always know when to make you feel loved and appreciated no matter what!
My grandma, Abuela Julia brightened up my day with this!:

The title didn't say "Gran daughter" so she made it say so!  I love antique or unique cards and this one was like a little booklet from Hallmark! The funny thing is my grandmother probably didn't mean to send me an antique card because I like them but because this was probably preserved in her pile of cards and she hadn't used it yet for some reason. But, whatever the reason I am glad it finally saw the light of day and made it through the mail craze to make me smile on this day!

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